Sep 6, 2023

The increasing presence of digital applications in healthcare not only requires training of medical professionals, but also poses new demands on the education of future specialists.

For example, at Charité, aspiring medical students can already take the "Digital Health" elective module and learn about successfully implemented as well as planned digitization in healthcare.

In the KIP-SDM project, Peter Krappen, a student in the Master's program in Business Informatics at FU Berlin, provided valuable support as a student assistant. At the same time, Peter wrote his master's thesis within our project, in which he dealt intensively with the available clinical data of Charité.

In a first model for fall prediction, the entire patient history was compared to validated fall risk factors from the literature. Already in the first calculations, the developed model performed better. In his work, Peter also considered topics such as heterogeneity and fairness of data and thus provided preparatory work for a publication of the project.

Another master's candidate who wrote his thesis in connection with KIP-SDM is Leon Joost from WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. In the area of socio-economic analysis, Leon dealt with a cost-benefit analysis for the KIP-SDM project from a business perspective. In a scenario analysis, Leon examined the implementation of an AI-based app for fall risk assessment using the example of the participating hospital, EGZB.

Both master's candidates successfully submitted their theses in the 2nd quarter of 2023.

We thank them for their support in the project and wish them all the best for the future!

Contact persons:

Peter Krappen
Freie Universität Berlin

Leon Joost
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management