Oct 13, 2023

Our first network meeting on AI in nursing took place on September 26th and 27th, 2023 at Urania Berlin. The KIP-SDM project was well represented on both days. We were pleased to finally meet the teams from other KIP projects in person. The primary goal of the two days was to network, exchange information on challenges and progress, and solve problems. 

During the first day of the network meeting, there was a lively exchange between the project teams in a bar camp format. Participatory workshops were conducted, with the content mostly predetermined by the participants. Most participants were not familiar with the concept of a bar camp and were pleasantly surprised to find that this format is particularly suitable for project-based, solution-oriented sharing of experiences and focus themes. One important aspect was the perspective shift of the participants from knowledge consumers to knowledge providers. The topics covered included the handling of free text in data, communication with various stakeholders, and the role of nursing scientists in the project.  

While the first day was exclusively for staff from KIP projects, the second network day was also accessible to the public. The day began with an inspiring keynote on AI in nursing – Needs, prerequisites, and potentials by Prof. Dr. Björn Sellemann, and was otherwise characterized by workshops and a panel discussion. The workshops covered a diverse range of topics, including ethics and fairness, interpretability of AI solutions, and citizen participation.

In a workshop led by Lea Bergmann and Miriam Wolf from the Association for Digitization in Social Economy (vediso), the topic of digital transformation in the social economy was extensively discussed. The focus was on current challenges and opportunities in digitization, and concrete measures that can positively support digital transformation were discussed. A key point of the discussion was to make the digital readiness of the participating actors measurable and to increase it based on the existing mindset, toolset, and skillset. Active participation by nursing staff was, of course, a decisive factor, as the potential benefits of digitization should be made understandable and a framework should be created in institutions where even simple questions about digitization can be asked. This can also be formalized through roles such as "digital ambassadors". 

The workshop on citizen participation made it clear that participation is not equal to participation, and that, for example, informing end users is only a precursor to participation. The stages of participation (Wright et al. 2009) were used as a classification. It also became clear how central participation is in the context of artificial intelligence. Early active involvement by citizens, patients, and nursing professionals can contribute to sustainable and needs-oriented implementation and increased technology acceptance. In small groups, we developed a concept for one of our KIP projects, showing how central stakeholders could best participate. This identified unused potential and encouraged reflection.  

Overall, the network days were characterized by exciting conversations, teamwork, and inspiring impulses. We are already looking forward to the network days 2.0 and would like to thank the organizers!  


Related Links:  

News about KIP projects: https://prokip.care/  

Events and offers from vediso: https://vediso.de/termine  

Position paper on participation: https://vdivde-it.de/sites/default/files/document/Die_Rolle_von_Partizipation_in_der_missionsorientierten_Innovationspolitik.pdf  

Wright et al. (2009) - Stages of participation: https://www.armut-und-gesundheit.de/uploads/tx_gbbkongressarchiv/Wright__M..pdf